Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sniff and Awww

I am way too emotional right now methinks: 

First, Kyla is getting married!!! I am so excited for her, and glad that it has finally happened! I can't wait to see her this summer! 

Second, Troy just asked me (he needed a "girly opinion") whether or not for prom if he should get Margie (his girlfriend of 6 months) a corsage or a single rose. We both lean towards the rose because 1) I think corsages are lame, they get squished and distract from your dress, and this is just A Thing that I have, corsages just equal annoying, and 2) we agree that a single rose is very romantic. Aaaaaaghhhh why is my baby brother growing up? 

Sniff. Sniff. Waaahhh!!! 

1 comment:

Andra said...