I am a proud 2007 Colfax graduate! (Nick is, too). (Oh, okay, so were about 270 others). On June 2, 2007 (our theme for senior year was James Bond, 007) we stood outside in the boiling hot sun, wearing our fashionable green tents, and received our diplomas.
But first! Here is a picture of all of us in Culture Club, and the mural that we worked on all year instead of doing Spanish IV Honors work. (We still got the credit, but instead of doing work we froze our butts off outside and painted. It was AWESOME). In order from left to right, we have Ben, Drew, Andra, Kristin, Me, and Keelia.

The mural is of a sun shining on the earth, and the rays are made up of most of the flags of the world. Yes, they are accurate, and yes, they were very detailed, and yes, they took a long time. And they are oh-so-pretty.

One of my favorites that I drew was of a very detailed dragon. Man, that took forever!

Earth, flags, signatures of all of us who painted.

Here is the field of Colfax High School, Home of the Falcons.

I was also in Treble and Concert Choir, and we all sang a song about friendship from the musical Wicked for our graduation song. Mr. Wilkinson was the teacher of choir, he did a fantastic job, even if he was grumpy sometimes. I think I'm on the left.

Yep, I'm on the left.
Then we sang another song! I don't know what it was.

Finally, time to graduate! Somebody, Me, and Tyler (acquaintance), getting ready to walk up front.

Shaking hands with Mr. Spears, our principal, as he handed me my diploma.

Troy, Jason (from TaeKwonDo), Me, and Eddie, my boyfriend of nearly 2 1/2 years. They were all sweet enough to brave the heat and come out to cheer for me.

Mom and I!

Mi familia.

So that was my graduation. It was hot, it was crowded, and it was great. Two years later I'm at my community college, and I have gone from a veterinarian career to a maybe deciding to be a labor-and-delivery nurse. Most of my friends are off at UCDavis or Santa Barbara, Irvine, Berkeley, or off living in Idaho, only a few stayed here. We still all get together during breaks though, and I luckily get to see Nick a lot! ^_^
People say high school will be the best four years of your life. I think it was four really good years, but these last two have been pretty great too! I'm looking forward to more great ones.