Saturday, August 8, 2009


We survived the trip! (Technically we survived it quite a while ago but our internet has been odd and I haven't felt up to blogging. So now ya'll get this half-assed post).

We hiked about 40 miles in 5 days!

I am feeling better and better with my stomach, and considering not taking my prevacid tomorrow morning and seeing how I do.

We are now a family of five! Quentin Devins from France is going to live with us for the high school year--about 10 months. He arrived last night (I didn't even see him until this morning) and we have all spent the day trying to get to know each other. He speaks English well but there are some words that we have to figure out how to explain, and when we all speak at once we make no sense!

Now we are cooking dinner and planning for the pool party tomorrow that will introduce Quentin to the people he will be going to school with. Huzzah!

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