Thursday, March 3, 2011

Elizabeth R

I'm watching Elizabeth R, a BBC miniseries about Queen Elizabeth, the last of the Tudors.

SEEKRIT CONFESSION! I LOVE movies, TV shows, and books about royalty. It doesn't matter what kind of royalty or what country, though I am partial to the great drama of the Tudor line.

Anyhoo, Queen Elizabeth just nearly died from the smallpox and her counselors are trying to force her to marry. Gotta run!


Lesley said...

Have you seen "The Kings Speech" yet?
If you haven't need to. It was fanastic!!! Plus it has Colin Firth, who I know is wayyy too old for you, but he was (IMHO) the original and the only Mr. Darcy!

Katie said...

I haven't, but I would LOVE TO! Do you own it? I love Colin Firth so much. He is the best Mr. Darcy!

Lisa S. said...

I saw it on the plane to Italy and thought it was GREAT! You are right about Katie needing to see it, Les. Katie, it's too new for DVD. We'll have to look for it in theaters, or have to wait a bit until it shows up in stores.

Katie said...

Sounds good to me! :)